Policy on Student Employee Work Schedule

Policy Number: 808

Students and Athletics

The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy808/

I. Purpose and Scope


Student employment is an opportunity for individual students who seek available part time or coop positions on campus to support their educations and gain work experience. To ensure that students appropriately balance their part-time work experience with their academic requirements, this policy specifies the number of hours a student can work each week.

II. Definitions

III. Policy


Students enrolled in classes may not exceed 20 hours of work each week. The work week is Sunday – Saturday. Exceptions to this work week are intersessions, break weeks and vacations. Students employed with a co-op on campus may not exceed 40 hours work per week.

IV. Additional Information


V. Contact Information

Student Employment Office: 617-373-3200 or email seo@neu.edu

Responsible Office/Department(s)

Student Financial Services

Student Employment Office

Related Procedures





Student Employment, Work Study, Co-op

Version History

Last Revision Date: N/A

Issued: July 1, 2015