Policy on Demonstrations
Policy Number: 617Safety and Security
The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy617/
I. Purpose and Scope
Northeastern University supports students, faculty and staff in the peaceful and orderly expression of views, whether in support or protest, related to issues, actions, events, or opinions, including those about which there may be disagreement. This longstanding university policy is to promote the safety and security of members of the university community who participate in demonstrations as well as the rights of others to study, work, and participate in the university community without unreasonable disruption. It outlines the requirements for students, faculty and staff to organize or participate in demonstrations on property owned or controlled by the university or in connection with university events. This policy applies to all Northeastern students, faculty and staff and consolidates previous publication sites.
II. Definitions
For purposes of this policy,
- Demonstration means any in-person protest, rally, sit-in, public meeting, march, walk or similar actions to express views on an issue.
- Third-party or parties means individuals or groups with no affiliation with the university.
- University property means any property or facility owned, controlled, rented, or managed by Northeastern University.
- University event means any program, activity or event sponsored or hosted by Northeastern or on university property.
- University operations means the intended and designated use of any space, event or function of the university.
III. Policy
Students, faculty or staff seeking to demonstrate on university property and/or in connection with a university event must comply with all university policies, protocols, procedures and requirements. Third parties are not permitted to engage or participate in demonstrations on university property.
A. Applying for Demonstrations
Any faculty, staff or student who wishes to hold a demonstration on university property or in connection with university events must submit an application for the demonstration with the appropriate university office and receive written approval in advance of the demonstration, following the timeline and other application requirements set by the relevant university office. The relevant authorized offices are:
- For students: Center for Student Involvement
- For faculty and staff: Office of the Provost
This application requirement does not apply to conduct by employees that is protected by law, including conduct governed by Section 7 of the US National Labor Relations Act or the UK Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.
B. Requirements for all Demonstrations
Demonstrations must be conducted peacefully, orderly, and consistent with university policies, codes of conduct, and applicable laws. The following specific requirements apply to all demonstrations:
- Demonstrations must not block building corridors, entrances, exits or other egresses, or otherwise disrupt university business or operations.
- Demonstrations must not be conducted in faculty or administrative offices, classrooms, laboratories, libraries, or study areas. Demonstrations can otherwise only take place in spaces that are available and approved through official university space registration processes.
- Vandalism or projecting or affixing any images on university buildings is prohibited.
- Camping and overnight demonstrations are not allowed.
- Students, faculty and staff may not erect structures, barriers, or walls, temporary or otherwise, on university property related or connected in any way to a demonstration.
- Third parties are not permitted to participate in demonstrations on university property, even if invited to do so by a current Northeastern student, faculty, or staff member. Such persons may be considered trespassers.
None of the requirements listed here restrict or prohibit employees from engaging in protected concerted activity, including by exercising their rights under Section 7 of the US National Labor Relations Act or the UK Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.
C. Violations
The university may take action, including requiring the immediate cessation of a demonstration if, in the university’s discretion, a demonstration at any time fails to comply with this policy or other applicable university policies, processes, procedures, or laws, and/or directions or instructions by university administration or an authorized representative of the university administration regarding safety or security. Examples may include but are not limited to directions to show university identification or to disperse. Violators of this policy may be subject to action consistent with university policy and procedures, including disciplinary action.
IV. Additional Information
V. Contact Information
Center for Student Involvement
Student Org Policies | Center for Student Involvement
Office of the Provost – Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office/Department(s)
Center for Student Involvement
Office of the Provost
Related Policies
Policy on Non-Solicitation and Sales
Policy on Government Relations, Lobbying and Political Activity
UK: Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech
UK: Managing External Speakers Policy
UK: Prevent Policy
UK: Events Policy and Booking Procedure
Related Procedures
Student Demonstration Procedures
Faculty/Staff Demonstration Procedures
Demonstration; Rally; March; Protest; Camp; Event
Version History
Last Revision Date: n/a
Issued: August 15, 2024