Policy on Animals on Campus
Policy Number: 610Safety and Security
The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy610/
I. Purpose and Scope
Northeastern University (‘Northeastern’ or the ‘university’) regulates animals on university property to promote community health and safety and university operations. The purpose of this policy is to describe which animals are permitted on university property, the standards that apply to permitted animals, and the general processes for accommodating service animals and assistance animals for persons with disabilities in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.
This policy applies to all persons on university owned and leased property, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors to Northeastern’s campuses.
II. Definitions
For the purposes of this policy:
A Service Animal is an animal that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability. Providing emotional support or companionship does not constitute work or tasks under this definition. The work or task a Service Animal has been trained to perform must be directly related to the person’s disability. A Service Animal must be a dog, or in rare cases, a miniature horse.
An Assistance Animal (commonly known as an emotional support animal) is an animal that provides assistance or emotional support that alleviates one or more symptoms or effects of a person’s disability. An Assistance Animal need not be individually trained to perform work or tasks.
A Pet is an animal kept for ordinary use and companionship. Service Animals and Assistance Animals are not considered Pets under this policy.
An Approved Animal is an animal that is permitted on university property under this policy.
An Owner is an owner or handler of an Approved Animal. Owners must abide by the Owner Responsibilities set forth in this policy.
The terms disability and reasonable accommodation are defined consistent with applicable federal and state anti-discrimination laws.
III. Policy
A. Pets
Pets are not permitted in university buildings, offices, vehicles, laboratories, or other facilities, except that, in residential units, fish are permissible in containers with a maximum volume equal to or less than 25 gallons. Pets may be allowed in outdoor areas on university property. Pet Owners are subject to the Owner Responsibilities set forth in Section III(E) of this policy.
B. Service Animals
Service Animals are generally permitted to accompany their Owners on university property but may be prohibited in certain restricted areas of campus because of health, environmental, or safety concerns and/or hazards. Areas where Service Animals may be prohibited include, but are not limited to, custodial closets, boiler rooms, facility equipment rooms, certain research laboratories, classrooms with research/demonstration animals, areas where protective clothing is necessary, wood and metal shops, and rooms with heavy machinery. Access to restricted areas may be permitted on a case-by-case basis as part of an accommodation process.
If a person’s disability or the work or tasks performed by an animal are not readily apparent, university faculty and staff may confirm that the animal qualifies as a Service Animal by asking whether the animal is required because of a disability and what work or tasks the animal has been trained to perform. If additional information is needed, such inquiry should only be made by designated university personnel whose responsibilities include making determinations about disability accommodations consistent with applicable law.
To promote the health and safety of Service Animals and the Northeastern community, members of the Northeastern community who anticipate regularly bringing a Service Animal with them to campus should register their Service Animal. Any Service Animals residing in university housing must be registered.
Northeastern faculty and staff who wish to have a Service Animal accompany them to work require written approval by Human Resources/ADA. Whether a Service Animal constitutes a reasonable workplace accommodation for a person with a disability will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Members of the Northeastern community who are training future Service Animals that they anticipate regularly bringing with them to campus should contact the appropriate office for guidance.
Resources for requesting and registering Service Animals are identified in Section III(H) of this policy.
C. Assistance Animals
In general, Assistance Animals are residential accommodations for persons with disabilities. They are permitted in designated university-owned housing only and are not permitted in other indoor areas of the university.
In California, under regulations promulgated by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, an Assistance Animal may be a reasonable workplace accommodation for qualified persons with disabilities.
Assistance Animals require prior written approval by the appropriate office in the accommodations process as identified in Section III(H) of this policy. Whether an Assistance Animal constitutes a reasonable accommodation for a person with a disability will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
D. Conflicting Health Conditions
Persons with medical conditions that may be negatively affected by the presence of an Approved Animal (e.g., respiratory diseases, allergies) may contact the appropriate office in the accommodations process identified in Section III(H) of this policy if they have health- or safety-related concerns. The university will work with members of the Northeastern community in an effort to reasonably resolve any conflicts.
E. Owner Responsibilities
Owners are solely responsible for the care and custody of their Approved Animal and must meet the following requirements:
1. The Owner must always maintain complete control of their Approved Animal while on university property.
2. The Owner is responsible for the conduct of their Approved Animal and for ensuring that the Approved Animal does not unduly interfere with the routine activities of the university. Approved Animals must not engage in behaviors that endanger the health or safety of people, property, or other animals. The Owner must ensure that the Approved Animal displays behaviors appropriate for the university environment and is not disruptive to university operations. Some examples of disruptive behavior include aggressive or unruly behavior (including growling and overcoming restraints) as well as barking, meowing, screeching, whining, noise-making, nipping, scratching, jumping, or running in a way that disturbs the residential, educational, or employment environment of other community members.
3. The Owner is financially responsible to the university for the actions of their Approved Animal, including for any bodily injury or property damage caused by the Approved Animal. The Owner’s financial responsibility includes, but is not limited to, cleaning, repair, and replacement of university property as needed (beyond reasonable wear and tear). The Owner is expected to cover these costs at the time of cleaning, repair, and/or move-out.
4. The Owner is responsible for cleaning up after their Approved Animal. Animal waste must be disposed of promptly and appropriately. Indoor animal waste, such as cat litter, must be placed in a sturdy plastic bag and securely tied before being disposed of in an outside trash receptacle. Litter boxes should be placed on mats so that waste is not tracked onto carpeted surfaces.
5. The Owner must ensure that an Approved Animal is free from offensive odors, ticks, or fleas. The Owner may be billed for the expense of any pest treatment.
6. Except within an Owner’s assigned university housing unit, Approved Animals must be either:
a. Securely confined in a crate or similar restrictive conveyance, or
b. Secured to a leash, cord, harness, or similar direct physical control of a maximum length of six (6) feet, the other end of which is restrained by a person. If this constraint interferes with a Service Animal’s work, or if the Owner’s disability prevents using these devices, then the Owner must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
7. Animals may not be left unattended on university property, except that Service Animals or Assistance Animals in university housing may be left unattended within the confines of the Owner’s assigned housing unit for reasonable periods of time. Animals may not be left overnight without their Owner. The Owner is responsible for ensuring that Service Animals or Assistance Animals in university housing are contained as appropriate when the Owner is not present in the residence.
8. The Owner must notify the appropriate university office in writing if a registered Approved Animal is no longer needed as an accommodation or is no longer kept in university housing.
9. Owners are solely responsible for the health and well-being of their Approved Animals. Such responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Owners must know, understand, and abide by current local ordinances, laws, and/or regulations pertaining to licensing, vaccination, and other requirements for animals. The university has the right to require documentation of compliance with such ordinances, laws, and/or regulations. Dogs, cats, and ferrets must have current vaccinations against rabies and wear rabies vaccination tags.
b. Approved Animals that are to be housed in university housing (other than fish kept in accordance with this policy) must have an annual clean bill of health from a licensed veterinarian, which must be documented in writing by a vaccination certificate for the Approved Animal or a veterinarian’s statement regarding the Approved Animal’s health. The university has the right to direct that the Approved Animal receive veterinary attention as appropriate.
c. Any evidence of mistreatment or abuse of an Approved Animal may result in discipline for the responsible person and/or immediate removal of the Approved Animal.
10. Owners must cooperate fully with university personnel regarding the terms of this policy and procedures related to the care of their Approved Animals (e.g., cleaning the animal, feeding/watering the animal, designating outdoor relief areas, disposing of waste/fluids).
11. The university has the right to place other reasonable conditions or restrictions on Approved Animals on a case-by-case basis, consistent with applicable state and federal laws. Owners are responsible for complying with any such conditions or restrictions.
F. Standards for Members of the University Community
Members of the university community must abide by the following standards for interacting with Approved Animals and their Owners:
- Do not touch a Service Animal or Assistance Animal unless invited by the Owner to do so.
- Do not feed a Service Animal or Assistance Animal.
- Do not harass a Service Animal or Assistance Animal.
- Do not separate or attempt to separate an Owner from the Owner’s Service Animal or Assistance Animal. Service Animals must be permitted to accompany their Owner at all times and in all places on campus, except where animals are prohibited in accordance with this policy.
G. Removal of Approved Animals
The university may exclude or remove (or require the Owner to remove) an Approved Animal from university property if:
- The animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others or causes substantial damage to the property of others;
- The animal’s presence results in a fundamental alteration of the university’s programs or activities;
- The Owner fails to comply with the Owner Responsibilities set forth in this policy; or
- The animal or its presence creates an unreasonable disturbance or interference with the university community.
In considering whether an Approved Animal poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others or causes an unreasonable disturbance or interference, the university will make an individualized assessment based on reasonable judgment.
H. Resources for Requesting and Registering Animals
Students who wish to register a Service Animal or request an Assistance Animal should contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC is also a resource for students with medical conditions that may be negatively affected by the presence of another person’s Approved Animal.
Employees who wish to request a Service Animal or Assistance Animal as a reasonable accommodation should contact Human Resources/ADA (HR). This office is also a resource for employees with medical conditions that may be negatively affected by the presence of another person’s Approved Animal.
The DRC and HR will coordinate with the Office of Housing and Residential Life on housing accommodations as appropriate.
Pursuant to applicable law, a person may be required to provide medical documentation to support a request for a reasonable accommodation.
IV. Additional Information
V. Contact Information
Disability Resource Center (617) 373-2675, DRC@northeastern.edu
Housing and Residential Life (617) 373-2814, housing@northeastern.edu
Human Resources (617) 373-2230, HR_ADA@northeastern.edu
Related Policies
Related Procedures
Pets; Dogs; Fish; Animals
Version History
Last Revision Date: April 18, 2023
Issued: October 30, 2014 (as Policy on Pets on Campus)