Policy on Endorsements and Use of University Identifiers
Policy Number: 116Governance and Legal
The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy116/
I. Purpose and Scope
Northeastern University prohibits the unauthorized use of its name, logo, seal and other identifiers for marketing or promotional purposes. The University takes seriously its responsibility to protect its name, reputation, and mission, and so does not endorse commercial products or enterprises.
This policy applies to all members of the University community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and volunteers in connection with University activities. It applies to all uses or potential uses, including in public statements and published materials, of the University name, colors, seal, logo or other trademarks by non-University parties, including but not limited to contractors, vendors, and business associates. Communications by units and departments within the University are governed by the Policy on Branding. Political endorsements are addressed in the Policy on Political Campaign-Related Activity.
II. Definitions
For purposes of this policy,
Logo refers to Northeastern’s logo which is constructed of two interconnected parts: the university seal and the wordmark. The relative position and size of seal and type always remain constant.
Seal refers to the Northeastern seal which is registered and protected as an official mark. It may not be modified.
Wordmark means “Northeastern University” (or “Northeastern” when paired with the seal), in the proprietary font that is exclusive to Northeastern University.
Lockups: The logo and wordmark are combined (locked up) with the names of Northeastern’s colleges, major administrative units, and graduate campus locations, all in a branded university typeface.
III. Policy
A. Public Statements: Vendors and other organizations affiliated with Northeastern may, with prior approval, disseminate public statements, including but not limited to press releases, that accurately describe their relationship with the university. Northeastern staff may not provide supporting quotes or testimonial comments in third-party press releases or other modes of communication. Faculty members may only provide such statements in connection with announcements related to the University’s teaching and research mission, such as for a joint research project.
B. Logos and marks: In some cases, the university’s visual logos or “marks,” can be used to convey a relationship between the university and another organization. These instances must be reviewed and approved by Marketing and Communications in advance of any use.
C. University seal: The official Northeastern seal cannot be used by any organization other than Northeastern University.
IV. Additional Information
Related Procedures
Endorsements; Recommendations; Advertisements; Solicitations; Testimonial; Vendors
Version History
Last Revision Date: February 25, 2014
Issued: February 25, 2014