Policy on the Use of Animals in Research and Teaching Activities
Policy Number: 506Research
The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy506/
I. Purpose and Scope
The University is committed to the highest ethical standards of animal care, and requires that the care and use of any vertebrate animals used in research or teaching conducted in University facilities or by University faculty or students will adhere to applicable federal and state laws, as well as University policies and procedures.
The University has established the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (NU-IACUC), which provides oversight for the use of vertebrate animals for research and teaching purposes. The NU-IACUC provides a procedural framework for meeting the ethical and legal requirements for the humane and ethical use of vertebrate animals. The NU-IACUC also oversees the functions of the Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM), as it relates to the use of vertebrate animals.
The establishment of this policy enables the University to comply with relevant laws, regulations and guidelines (regulations and guidelines include but may not be limited to the Public Health Service Policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals; the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (the “Guide”), 8th Edition; and the Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations (9 CFR Subchapter A)) governing the humane care and use of research animals.
II. Definitions
For purposes of this policy,
Vertebrate Animal means any live or dead vertebrate animal used or intended for research or other scholarly activities. This does not include preserved animals purchased for use in teaching laboratories.
The Northeastern University-Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (NU-IACUC) serves as an advisory committee to the Office of the Provost on matters concerning the humane and ethical care of laboratory animals, adequacy of animal facilities, animal health, and occupational and student health as related to animal diseases. The NU-IACUC operates in accordance with guidelines specified in the USDA Animal Welfare Act, Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and internal policies and guidelines approved by the committee.
Principal investigator (PI) means any faculty member or research scientist, responsible for the design, submission, and conduct of research or other educational activities using live vertebrate animals outlined in animal care and use protocols approved by the NU-IACUC. The principal investigator is responsible for all activities of their laboratory and staff while working on their animal care and use protocols.
The Institutional Official (IO) is authorized to commit on behalf of the University that it will follow all state and federal regulations regarding the care and use of live vertebrate animals in research and teaching. The IO appoints the members of the IACUC. The IO supports the actions and authority of the NU-IACUC. The IO also consults with the IACUC regarding suspensions and corrective actions and reports to regulatory and funding agencies.
The Attending Veterinarian (AV) has direct program authority for the Institution’s animal care and use program and has access to all animals in the animal care and use program. The AV establishes and reviews standard procedures for the daily operation of the animal facility at this Institution. The Attending Veterinarian is a voting member of the IACUC.
III. Policy
It is the policy of Northeastern University that no activity involving live vertebrate animals be undertaken until those activities have been reviewed and approved by the NU-IACUC. The use of vertebrate animals must comply with and follow all policies and procedures established and approved by the NU-IACUC. The principal investigator is responsible for all activities of his/her laboratory and staff while working on animal care and use protocols.
The care and use of vertebrate animals for all research or teaching purposes conducted in University facilities or by faculty, staff, or students is required to be conducted in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and the policies and procedures of the NU-IACUC. Failure to comply (noncompliance) may result in loss of privileges to use animals in teaching and research activities or other disciplinary action up to and including termination
IV. Additional Information
Performing research with vertebrate animals without prior NU-IACUC approval is unethical, and violates institutional policy. Moreover, any violation of research guidelines by the university or an investigator jeopardizes the University’s Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) Assurance agreement with NIH, and threatens the University’s federal funding. If a researcher has been found to be noncompliant, the Institutional Official will be notified and the University may take further action against the researcher. Additionally, if the non-compliance occurred in connection with research funded by a federal agency, it will be reported to the appropriate agency as well as OLAW.
V. Contact Information
For information on using vertebrate animals in research and teaching and submitting an animal care and use protocol, visit the Animal Care website: http://www.northeastern.edu/research/animal_care/ or call (617) 373-3958. We can also be reached at dlam@neu.edu.
Related Procedures
Vertebrate Animal; Principal Investigator; Institutional Official; Attending Veterinarian; Animal Research
Version History
Last Revision Date: N/A
Issued: October 15, 2014