Policy on Openness in Research

Policy Number: 503


The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy503/

I. Purpose and Scope


In keeping with its mission to educate students for a life of fulfillment and accomplishment, and to create and translate knowledge to meet global and societal needs, Northeastern University is committed to the principles of open scholarly exchange of ideas and academic freedom, including broad access to research data and results.

This policy applies to research conducted at Northeastern University by faculty, students, staff and visiting researchers.

II. Definitions



III. Policy


The University will not undertake research with restrictions on openness or academic freedom on its campus. Examples of unacceptable restrictions include classification, required external approval of research results before publication, or exclusion of members of the University community from participation in research. In particular, foreign faculty, students, or scholars should not be singled out for restriction in access to the University’s educational and research activities.

Most research can be conducted in accordance with this policy and with the ideals of freedom of inquiry and open exchange of knowledge. The University recognizes that, in a few compelling instances, the best interests of society will weigh against broad participation in research and open exchange of information. In such cases, the Senior Vice Provost for Research may grant exceptions to this policy. Exceptions will be rare and will require that the research is critically important to the University’s mission and serves a demonstrable greater good.

IV. Additional Information


University facilities shall not be used for research that violates this policy.

V. Contact Information


Senior Vice Provost for Research (617) 373-8665

Northeastern University Research Enterprise Services (617) 373-5600


Responsible Office/Department(s)


Related Procedures





Classified; Secret; Freedom of Access; Dissemination; Public Access; Publication; Restriction on Participation; Prohibition on Disclosure

Version History

Last Revision Date: December 7, 2022

Issued: January 1, 2008