Policy on Disciplinary Action (CAN)

Policy Number: 405-CAN

Human Resources

The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy405-CAN/

This policy applies to Northeastern University Canadian Campuses only.

I. Purpose and Scope


Northeastern University seeks to maximize and maintain the performance of its employees in order to advance the university’s mission. The university expects all employees to conduct themselves according to the highest ethical standards, to comply with legal and regulatory requirements and university policies, and to meet university and department performance standards. The university may implement disciplinary measures in circumstances where an employee fails to meet these expectations, including termination of employment for cause. This policy applies to all university employees.

II. Definitions



III. Policy


The university may, in its sole discretion, take disciplinary action to address unsatisfactory job performance, misconduct, and/or behavior that violates university policies, procedures or applicable law. The university reserves the right to take any disciplinary action it deems appropriate in the circumstances, including but not limited to verbal and written warnings, suspensions, and/or termination of employment for just cause.

IV. Additional Information


Any employee with questions regarding disciplinary action should consult with Human Resources Management. Supervisors are encouraged to consult with Human Resources Management (HRM) to discuss any potential disciplinary action prior to implementation.

    V. Contact Information

    HR Customer Service Center: 250 Columbus Place; 617-373-2230; HRST@northeastern.edu

    Responsible Office/Department(s)

    Human Resources

    Related Procedures





    Disciplinary Action; Discipline, Warning, Termination

    Version History

    Last Revision Date: April 7, 2022

    Issued: April 2, 2014