Policy on Teaching for Administrative/Professional Staff

Policy Number: 401

Human Resources

The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy401/

I. Purpose and Scope


Teaching of Northeastern University courses by administrative and professional staff may provide both academic value for the university and professional development for the staff member. This policy establishes the parameters for such teaching by administrative and professional staff. It applies to teaching a Northeastern course as paid employment outside the regular responsibilities of the employee’s salaried position. It does not apply to acting as an unpaid guest lecturer or presenter for an occasional class.

II. Definitions



III. Policy


With written approval of their supervisor, qualified exempt administrative and professional staff may be permitted to teach a course in their field of expertise. Such teaching shall be limited to one course per academic term. Any proposed teaching during their regular work hours also requires written approval from the area vice president or dean.

In considering requests for approval to teach a Northeastern University course, consideration will be given to whether the teaching will disrupt or adversely affect the employee’s responsibilities. 

IV. Additional Information


Conference hours, class preparation and other ancillary activities, and online instructional activities shall not be performed during the individual’s regularly scheduled work hours. Approval must be obtained for each individual course section taught. Approval of arrangements for teaching in one academic term does not guarantee ongoing approval of the same or similar arrangements. 

    V. Contact Information


    Human Resources: 216 Mass Ave; (617) 373-2230 ; hrst@northeastern.edu

    Responsible Office/Department(s)

    Human Resources

    Related Procedures



    Instructional Activities


    Extra Compensation; Guest Lecture

    Version History

    Last Revision Date: December 14, 2022

    Issued: April 2, 2014