Policy on Non-Solicatation and Sales

Policy Number: 300

Business and Financial Affairs

The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy300/

I. Purpose and Scope


The University’s policy on non-solicitation in intended to avoid disruption of university operations, and for the safety and privacy of faculty, staff, visitors and students.

This policy applies to all university buildings and facilities and to all campuses. It applies to all members of the university community as well as to visitors and non-university organizations and individuals.

Exclusions: This policy does not apply to normal business contacts by authorized vendor representatives engaging in business with the university in compliance with other university policies, provided such contacts are made with the consent of the appropriate department head or university official.

II. Definitions


For purposes of this Policy,

Solicitation refers to canvassing, soliciting or seeking to obtain membership in or support for any organization, requesting contributions, and posting or distributing any materials (as defined below) on university property or using university resources (including but not limited to bulletin boards, postings, postcards, chalking, leaflets, computers, mail, e-mail and telecommunications systems, photocopiers, fax, telephone lists and network systems, and databases, supplies or other workplace equipment).

Sales means peddling or otherwise selling, purchasing or offering goods and services for sale or purchase, distributing advertising materials, circulars or product samples, or engaging in any other conduct relating to any outside business interest or for-profit or personal or professional economic benefit on university property or using university resources.

Materials means handbills, flyers, posters, pamphlets, petitions, and the like of any kind.

Work time means the period of time during working hours when an employee is engaged in or is expected to be engaged in service on behalf of the university. Work time does not include the employee’s lunch period or work breaks or other periods where the employee is not on duty.

Work area means those areas of the university in which regular university activity takes place including but not limited to: offices, class rooms, lecture halls, libraries, student and faculty dining areas, etc.

III. Policy


The University prohibits on-campus solicitation and sales except as authorized under this policy.

A. General Provisions

  • No sales or solicitations are permitted on university property or in university buildings and facilities or using university resources or systems without the express written permission of designated university officials.
  • Recognized student organizations must receive permission from the Director of Student Activities or authorized designee.
  • Residence hall groups must receive permission to sell within their housing unit from the Associate Dean for Cultural Life and Residential Life or authorized designee. Door to door sales are prohibited.
  • Any sales or solicitation at a university athletic event or facility must be approved by the Athletic Department, and must be conducted in compliance with all university polices and applicable laws.
  • Solicitations that relate to the promotion or consumption of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products are strictly prohibited.
  • Employees are prohibited from engaging in solicitation or sales during the soliciting employee’s work time or the work time of the employee(s) being solicited, and from distributing or posting any Materials in any work area of the university at any time, including non-work time, except that postings on designated employee bulletin boards that comply with other applicable policies may be permitted.

B. Nonprofit Charitable Organizations

  • Any charitable organization that wishes to solicit funds must be sponsored by a recognized student organization, faculty member or employee and obtain the advance approval of designated university officials. Any solicitations or sales by a charitable organization at a university athletic event or facility requires prior approval by the Athletic Department, and must be conducted in compliance with all applicable university policies and state and federal laws.

C. Third Parties

  • No non-university outside organization, business, or individual may engage in sales or solicitation (including distributing any kind of written or printed Materials) on university property or using university resources or systems at any time.
  • Sales or solicitations by vendors related to the promotion or consumption of alcoholic beverages or tobacco, or products or services that are contrary to the policies or mission of the university are strictly prohibited.
  • Non-university groups or individuals are prohibited from conducting sales or solicitations in residence halls.
  • Vendors approved for vending privileges to the university community may, at the discretion of designated university officials, be permitted to sell their products at restricted locations on campus for limited number of days per year, provided that they register with the appropriate university officials and pay the assigned fee.

IV. Additional Information


Failure to comply with the above policy may result in the suspension of any approval for solicitation and sales under this policy for the remainder of the academic year, discipline, and/or other appropriate sanctions.

V. Contact Information


The following may be contacted for approval or exceptions to this Policy:

Residence Hall groups: Associate Dean for Cultural Life and Residential Life or authorized designee

Student Organizations: Director of the Center for Student Involvement or authorized designee

All Other: Business Services and/or Vice President for Student Affairs or authorized designee


Responsible Office/Department(s)


Business Services

Vice President for Student Affairs

Related Policies


Related Procedures



Policy on Sales and Solicitations [Student Handbook]


Solicitation; Sales; Canvassing

Version History

Last Revision Date: July 1, 2015

Issued: 1989